Thursday, December 19, 2019

Movie Review My Friend Garret Essay - 1312 Words

My friend Garret always seems to fidget and sweat throughout a movie when watching it with friends. Usually handpicked by himself, he proudly pronounces his love and affection for it as the best piece of cinema to ever be blessed to this world. But upon popping in the movie, his confidence quickly disappears. He sweats vigorously and repeatedly shakes his right leg up and down. He constantly watches us like a hawk, observing our every reaction, hoping it’s the appropriate one. He’ll laugh harder at what’s funny, act serious at what’s dramatic, and sigh heavily at what’s sad. It became clear that his goal of showing us this movie maybe to see us be entertained by it. I’ve noticed many other people, including myself, having similar reactions in these same situations. It’s so bizarre that we tend to watch other people’s reactions so closely when sharing what’s dear to us with them. When you think about it, why do we care so much about what others think of what we like? If someone doesn’t enjoy our interests, who cares!? It’s their loss; we can continue to enjoy that content without them. But on the other hand, maybe there’s more to it than that. If our goal of showing someone a piece of entertainment is to have them enjoy it too, then maybe we just want to share our enjoyment with them. That way, we can imminently have a connection and will be able to converse with them about that piece of interest. Heck, that’s why we have websites like Reddit, where millions of peopleShow MoreRelatedComparatve Essay on the Fat Black Womans Poems, Sula and Wide Sargasso Sea3043 Words   |  13 Pageschange the way women are treated in the reality of the novel. Antoinette is still personified as an entrapped wife. She is trapped in patriarchal social structures of exploitation; her husband takes her to England, where she is locked away in the garret room of her husbands house, under the wat ch of a servant. This truly portrayed Antoinettes vulnerability and confinement as Rochesters wife, and this influences how Rhys portrays women to the readers who are familiar with the restraints on womenRead MoreBoost Juice Case Study Kit6699 Words   |  27 Pagespositive gains this year,† Dan Titus, Director of the Juice and Smoothie Association stated. â€Å"The Juice and Smoothie business is such a lucrative venture. Smoothie-type products are sold all over the world on cruise ships and golf courses; in bars, movie theatres and hospitals. Companies are seeing this market as a growth opportunity. Consumers are looking for an alternative to soda; the healthy attitudes that consumers are expressing reflects in the smoothie trend.† A Janine Allis saw a hole inRead MoreLangston Hughes Research Paper25309 Words   |  102 Pagesthe exam, Jim became angry and blamed the color line for blocking his progress. Searching for a better position, he eventually took a job in Mexico. Carrie refused to follow her husband. Instead, she traveled around the country, living with friends and relatives and working at temporary jobs as a maid or waitress. She had ambitions to become an actress, but roles for black women were scarce. Sometimes she took young Langston with her, but most of the time he stayed with his grandmother in Lawrence

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